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Showing 8 posts tagged

Injecting Service Collections with Annotated Container

php annotated-container

A feature I have long wanted to implement in Annotated Container is the ability to inject a collection of services. This has long eluded me but after some light hair pulling, deep code diving, and a change in how I was thinking about the problem I finally managed to solve the puzzle! In this article take a look at how to use this new feature of Annotated Container.

Annotated Container Without Attributes

php annotated-container

When I've gotten the chance to talk to people about Annotated Container a common refrain is they don't like the idea of adding Attributes to their domain layer. While I focus a lot of articles and documentation on doing just that, it isn't the only way to use Annotated Container. In fact, you can use the library without using Attributes at all or take an approach that prevents Attributes spreading throughout your domain layer.

Annotated Container v2.2

php annotated-container

A look at three features released with Annotated Container v2.2. Including container validation, the third supported container, and better developer experience with custom parameter stores.

Autowiring and Annotated Container

php annotated-container

I was recently asked my thoughts on autowiring and dependency injection on social media. This post is a deep dive into dependency injection autowiring with Annotated Container; how it is implemented, different solutions for autowiring with use cases, and future improvements to exposing the magic behind autowiring.

Introducing Annotated Container - Part 2

php annotated-container

Part 2 of a 3-part series introducing a dependency injection framework named Annotated Container. In this article, I go into detail how to solve three common problems working with Annotated Container; dealing with multiple aliases, injecting non-object values, and integrating with third-party services that can't be annotated.